ናብ ትሕዝቶ ኪድ

ሞድዩል:Wikidata/Movement format

ካብ ዊኪፐድያ፣ ናጻ ኢንሳይክሎፐድያ

Documentation for this module may be created at ሞድዩል:Wikidata/Movement format/doc

local p = {}

local toLink   = require('Module:Wikidata/Formats').toLink
local getData  = require('Module:Wikidata/Formats').getData

function p.movementFormat(value, options, frame, qualifiers)
	-- Function that returns for a movement, for example "Music of the Baroque" "Baroque".
	if not value or not value.id then
	local link, label, entityId
	local movement = movements[value.id]
	if movement then  -- The movement is in the table of movements
		link    = movement.link
		label  = movement.label
		entityId = value.id
		-- Use the Wikidata link and tag
		link, label, entityId = getData(value)

    return toLink(link, label, entityId, options)

-- Aliases for ease of use from the template property
p['movement'] 		= p.movementFormat

return p